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The world's longest car


World's longest car

26 wheels it could probably hold up to about 75 people if we wanted to put it later on today we're going to land a helicopter on it it has a putting green it has a pool this was the original record holder for the longest car slash limousine in the original design was by jay all berg out of burbank california in the.80s and today we've beaten the record by a fraction but it is still longer was originally when i found the car was in very poor condition i'd say on a scale of one to ten it was minus one i found the car in new jersey it was riding behind a warehouse and i put a bid on it and i wanted i was completely.rusted through to the ground basically a piece of junk i had the car in new York for eight years.i had it shipped down here to florida mike actually had it shipped down mike deser mike's vision was to restore it on the way down the hood blew off the car on 95.never to be found again i don't know where it is so thankfully we had three donor cars we took one of the hoods we started the restoration project about two and a half years ago it was it was.august it was hot here in florida we set a game plan so we took three donor cars we cut them up we replaced the whole cab of the we could drive it the engine was replaced all the tires were replaced helipad was redone the pool was redone on the inside of the vehicle we have seating for passengers we have carpeting we have leather we.have vinyl we have led lighting this can be

configured for any type of party any type of design that you'd want but it can hold up to 75 people any day to week what i found surprising with the car is.when we started fixing it and we started taking it apart it was six eldorados that were put together but the middle section had to be fabricated from scratch and it kind of reminds you of the construction of a bridge.i mean just an enormous undertaking to do this type of job six eldorados each one of them weighed just a little over five thousand poundsn so we used six of them but we didn't use.every part of them so when you add the steel in i would say 25 000 pounds a good guess maybe we'll weigh it one day and we'll really find out there are pictures of this limousine with the helicopter but there is no actual footage of that helicopter landing on it and we're going to do it today here at desolate.the main difficulty in

driving this car is finding straight roads for it to turn you need you need a real wide radius because of the length of it similar to what the president does he has to map out his route to where he's going that's what we would have to do we would have to map out.a route and know where we're going to turn it's not for everyday driving obviously we talked about maybe turn it into an electric vehicle that would take 26 motors one for each wheel.the battery i don't know how big it's going to be but we have plenty of room for that battery so maybe you'll see the biggest electric vehicle in the world people react to the they can't believe that it's even real they think it's like a model in a magazine but when they see it even in the condition before it was restored it was an attraction.the vehicle is 30.538 meters long which is a hundred feet.and one and a half inches long for everybody doesn't use meters congratulations this is officially amazing you know you kind of see something.that's almost impossible to do and it's a challenge and you say i it people say you're crazy but we did it and here it is and eventually we're going to extend it.i don't know how long we're going to make it but i guess as long as we can the sky's the limit or the road's it's amazing...

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