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History of the English language

History of the English language
The History of English

This is the indo-european language family it extends from the north of india the whole way to western europe close to half of the worldwide populace communicates in an indo-european language and that incorporates you and me english is an indo-european language.specifically part of the germanic part of the family alongside dialects like german dutch and swedish in the mid fifth century the romans who had managed over britain for more than 400 years pulled out their hold over the island filling this vacuum various germanic clans from denmark in the north of germany wandered onto the island and gradually supplanted the celtic and romano english societies that had been prevailing in the space celtic speakers became moved in grains scotland and cornwall while the area we presently know as britain turned out to be socially germanic the germanic people groups in england well from various separate clans at last fostered a typical social way of life as old English saxons and with these old English saxons our story really starts the somewhat English saxons in their numerous realms. communicated in a language we presently call early english early english truly sounds in no way like our advanced language and is generally immense to us current speakers here's an illustration of the language from the incredible sonnet beowulf what way gardena in yardage so I accept you saw no part of that not to stress no cutting edge english speaker would have the option to comprehend it's so old and english has

developed such a lot of that it should be an unknown dialect while not justifiable today 50% of our most ordinarily utilized words come from this old English saxon tongue words like water youngster ear talk and the essentially most short straightforward words come from this early english language now early english was not a static language no dialects at any point are except for the greater part of the significant changes to the english language through its set of experiences came not from within.but from without the principal significant flood of progress to english accompanied the viking attacks in the eighth century forward norsemen from norway and denmark attacked the north of britain and, surprisingly, set up their very own realm called the danelaw these vikings communicated in a language called old norse which is the precursor of the cutting edge scandinavian dialects its effect on english was for the most part jargon with words like sky sack regulation hit and even they coming from old norse in 1066 william the jerk later called william the champion attacked britain with his norman armed force and at the skirmish of hastings effectively vanquished it.these normans now the decision class of britain talked a lingo of old french this norman french came to be the language of the imperial court while early english kept on being the language of the proletariat after around 100 years of this the two dialects started to combine making what we call center english.if you've at any point asked why english a germanic language has such countless cognates with sentiment dialects like spanish or french to this end an astounding 30 percent or 10 000 english words are french in beginning these words are most usually found in the circles of regulation religion and science this french association is likewise why english has such countless words that mean exactly the same thing called equivalents assuming you take a gander at an english word reference it is quite often a lot bigger than a word reference of another.language the most popular illustration of these equivalents comes from the domain of food in english

we utilize two distinct words while alluding to an animal and the meat that comes from said animal words like pig cow and chicken are altogether somewhat English saxon as the ranchers who raised these animals were english speakers while pork hamburger and poultry are on the whole norman french in light of the fact that the elites who ate the fine food were french speakers with this inundation of french words as well as a disentanglement of the punctuation rules of early english center english is one bit nearer to the language we still it is overall unimaginable to most english speakers here is a model from the canterbury stories by chaucer the most renowned center english author wanda da preela with his shore asota the draft of walk hath passed it to the rota and washed each plant in exchanged lacua of which vertu induced is the floor in the fifteenth century a peculiarity known as the extraordinary vowel shift began happening which pushed english into its initial current form this vowel shift impacted practically all english articulation in very sensational ways we will not get too into the particulars in light of the fact that. I would rather not get into muddled semantics however essentially english long vowels like ooh began becoming more limited diphthongs like a diphthong by the way is fundamentally a sound made of two guts additionally there were numerous consonants that became unpronounced which we presently call quiet letters a genuine illustration of this change is in the word blade in center english it was articulated kneef yet after the vowel shift the k became quiet and the went to the diphthong I as you can see while the way to express the word has changed the spelling has not this is one of the significant motivations behind why english spelling is so famously troublesome. So with this change over around 200 years the english language arrived in a spot a large portion of us will perceive a genuine illustration of what we call early current english is crafted by shakespeare two families both the same in nobility in fair verona where we lay our scene from old resentment break to new revolt where common blood makes common hands messy that was a little piece of the preface from romeo and juliet. it is reasonable yet the word decision is very not quite the same as how present day english speakers talk making it here and there challenging to fathom totally starting in the sixteenth century the english began investigating and therefore made a domain at its. Tallness in the nineteenth century the english domain covered a fourth of the earth and had command over just about a fourth of the world's occupants this spread of english as well as the later modern insurgency changed english significantly further for the most part in the domain of jargon new words from english states as

well as new. For new innovation expanded the english jargon into what it is today additionally the spread of english made numerous english assortments most unmistakably in north america where english elocution froze completely still the standard american emphasize like my articulation is as a matter of fact. Nearer to the highlight of shakespeare than most present day english accents american english is especially persuasive as a result of the progress of american mainstream society all over the planet english today is as yet advancing however much it at any point was with new words being added to word references consistently as well as numerous old words. dropping out of purpose english sentence structure is additionally changing and it will keep on changing to such an extent that in a couple hundred years our language will sound similarly as unfamiliar to future english speakers as chaucer does to us.

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